Label 1 techniques

"Mayólica" Technique

Preparation of the tiles

First step is to clean the tiles one by one, to remove any dust that may remain from manufacturing process and firing. It is also necessary to check every one in case they have flaws or cracks that would make them unusable to apply the glaze.

Then a layer of white glaze is applied with a wide brush that gives the surface a nice light texture. Later any trace of glaze on the edges and back of the tiles must be removed to prevent sticking during the firing. Now the tiles are ready to be painted.

Before placing them on the easel to be painted, they must be numbered on the back in order to make easier their final assembly. This is essential especially for large murals.

When the motif is finished, they are placed in gazettes or special boxes made of refractory material to go to the kiln to be fired.

Firing is a very delicate and essential step for ceramics and to give the tiles their characteristic smooth finishing. During the first four hours of firing, the temperature should rise at a rate of about 100ºC per hour. If the temperature rose faster, ceramics could break or even explode. Once the 400ºC is exceeded, the temperature can increase faster until it reaches 980 degrees. This temperature must be kept for about 20 or 30 minutes and this is the end of firing. Now we have to wait for the kiln to cool down naturally until it reaches about 100ºC before open it. Then pieces can be removed from the kiln.


"Dry Line" Technique


First step is to clean the tiles one by one, to remove any dust that may remain from manufacturing process and firing. It is also necessary to check every one in case they have flaws or cracks that would make them unusable to apply the glaze.

First of all it is necessary to make the drawing on the baked clay tiles using a very fine brush to apply a mixture of oil and manganese oxide.

When the drawing is complete, the spaces between the lines are filled with glazes of different colors. The final result once fired is a glazed surface with small reliefs in which there is no glaze, but a recessed line, usually black.

When the motif is finished, they are placed in gazettes or special boxes made of refractory material to go to the kiln to be fired.

Firing is a very delicate and essential step for ceramics and to give the tiles their characteristic smooth finishing. During the first four hours of firing, the temperature should rise at a rate of about 100ºC per hour. If the temperature rose faster, ceramics could break or even explode. Once the 400ºC is exceeded, the temperature can increase faster until it reaches 980 degrees. This temperature must be kept for about 20 or 30 minutes and this is the end of firing. Now we have to wait for the kiln to cool down naturally until it reaches about 100ºC before open it. Then pieces can be removed from the kiln.